Forever Home Greyhound Adoptions is a group of very close friends who banded together in an effort to help as many retired racers as possible. We are a not for profit organization whose sole interest is helping the Greys find the perfect Forever Home.
Left to Right...
Roberta Brooks - (former) Treasurer & Greyhound Chicadee,
Jim Brooks - Volunteer,
Martha Schoene - Vice president, Paula LaPorte - President & Greyhound Lilly, Martin Amyot - Volunteer,
Tom Schoene - Volunteer & Greyhound Safari,
Melanie Malema - Volunteer
Once the Greys have finished their career they just want a nice soft couch to lie on and a warm loving family to lavish them with love and attention. That's where we come in . The dogs love their racing career and the competition brings them great joy. Their love of running and the competition is genetic and it fills their lives with excitement and happy days . When their time comes to leave the workplace and join the retirement community, their owners and trainers let us know and we take them into our care until we can find them just the right family to take up where their loving trainers and caregivers at the track leave off. Its a partnership between the racing industry and Forever Home which works smoothly and affords the dogs a smooth transition from one life style into another.
Our liaison between the workplace and the retirement community is Monica Rigo. She devoted 25 hours a day 8 days a week to keeping track of who is retiring and when and who is available to receive the retiree. She is absolutely tireless and has devoted many years to making the transitions smooth and happy ones . She knows no boundaries when it comes to moving retired Greyhounds from their home at the numerous tracks that she works with to their new foster homes with the numerous placement groups that she also works with. She will travel as many miles as it takes to insure the retirees are settled into a safe and comfortable environment.
Our President and Founder Paula LaPorte after adopting her very first Greyhound LILLI decided that she had finally found her niche in life and went about forming Forever Home Greyhound Adoptions so that she could become totally involved in the responsible placement of these magical creatures. Once a Greyhound comes into your life it is changed FOREVER for the better is what she always says, and her mission now is to let as many people as possible know and to assist them so that they may also know the pure joy of sharing their lives with a mystical magical Greyhound!!
Our Vice President Martha Schoene has been a Greyhound owner for years. She currently shares her home with 3 of her own and ALWAYS has at least 1 foster dog on board. Martha is always willing to drop whatever she is doing to pick up retirees and bring them home. She and her husband Tom and their 2 daughters are very active as a family unit in the fostering and placement of our fur kids.
We are very excited to announce that LESLEY HENDRY has graciously accepted the position of TREASURER with FHGA. LESLEY, has been a valuable volunteer and foster, and now in addition to all of her other duties, will be handling the treasurer position as well. LESLEY is an awesome multi-tasker, and is always ready to step up and take on an extra foster or 2 when the need arises. We are VERY fortunate to have her on our team, and now as an FHGA Officer as well!!
Welcome, LESLEY, and THANK YOU!!
We would like to welcome aboard: CINDY WEISSEND who is an experienced Greyhound owner who has been involved in rescue for many years. CINDY is our, "PRE and POST ADOPTION SPECIALIST", making her a VERY valuabe member of our organization! CINDY reviews all of our applications, and conducts pre adoption interviews with potential clients, as well as checking all references. Once one of our FHGA hounds has been adopted CINDY follows up by phone & email and not only answers the many questions of a new adopter, but offers many GREYT suggestions for making the Greyhounds transitional period an enjoyable and smooth one. If there are questions, concerns, or if you just want to talk Greyhounds, CINDY is your FHGA go to person. WELCOME CINDY, and thank you for sharing all your wisdom and knowlege!!